For those in the Windows blogging world, W.Bloggar is arguably the most popular freeware blogging utility out there, providing offline posting, recent posts, manage multiple blogs, etc. I just noticed that the W.Bloggar site ( ) is down due to someone not paying the hosting bill. According to other reports, the site has been down since the 4th of August, and the contact emails all go to a address. If this is permanent, it’s sad to see a good project like this go, and also speaks of a good lesson about hosting: Make sure you have contact information somewhere that does not direct through your domain (i.e. a shared service such as Hotmail, GMail, Yahoo Mail, etc.), or through an ISP, etc. not associated with that domain. If the project’s managers would have such a contact, perhaps the site would be back up.
Now off to find a new blogging client.