TiVo Upgrade

Now that the warranty ran out on my TiVo I took the plunge and added some space to my Series 2 unit, moving from a single 80GB / 80 Hour unit to a 80GB/120GB dual drive unit that gives me 230 hours. To do this I bought the bracket necessary for the upgrade from Weaknees, selecting their TwinBreeze unit, which includes an extra fan. Then following the directions at Weaknees TiVo Upgrade Instructions site, I went through the process of removing the original drive from the unit, performing a backup of the TiVo OS and then adding the new drive. After putting it all back together the system recognized the new space and I was in business. All in all it took less than an hour for me to almost triple the space of my TiVo. I would recommend Weaknees’ TwinBreeze bracket mounting system to anyone looking to upgrade their TiVo.

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